January 16, 2010

Sheww...It's been FOREVER!

Ok, I know I am way behind with my blog. Everytime I fall behind, I claim that I am going to make a conscience effort to do better. I realized why it is so important to keep up with this, thanks to Matt's Aunt Barb! We saw her at Matt's cousin's wedding and she told me how she enjoys reading it/seeing what's going on with us. So, I will try my very best. (Blogging would also be way easier if Matt would just get me the Apple Laptop I have been dreaming of...but I guess one thing at a time.)

Things have been sooooo crazy since my last summer post. To try and sum up our lives in a nut shell- In October, we moved in with my parents because my house sold and we hadn't found a house yet. So God Bless Mom and Dad for allowing all 5 of us to live here. My parents are complete saints who help us out tremendously. (For example, they drive our girls to school, EVERY DAY!)

As of right now, we found our dream house, bid on it, and are under contract with a settlement date of February 12th (Gia's Birthday!) WoooHoooo...can't wait.

I tried to trace back to the end of the summer and include some tid bits of what's been going on in our lives.

September 7th was the girls' first day of school. To make a long story short, Winslow (which is where the girls used to attend because I work in district), decided they didn't want to support their own policy and told us we could no longer attend their schools. So, three days before school started I had to register them in Williamstown. They absolutely love it! I'm not to fond of the half day kindergarten schedule, but at least they are happy!

New backpacks and outfits, of course!

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